'The Responsibility of Internet Platform Companies to Mitigate Harmful Content Online': Justine Nolan (audio)
Justine Nolan, Associate Professor & Associate Dean, University of New South Wales, Michael Posner, Jerome Kohlberg Professor of Ethics and Finance, Business and Society & Co-Director, Center for Business and Human Rights, NYU Stern School of Business / Tara Wadhwa, Policy Associate, Center for Business and Human Rights, NYU Stern School of Business / Dr Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Research Director, NYU Stern School of Business, speaking on Panel XIII: 'The Responsibility of Internet Platform Companies to Mitigate Harmful Content Online'.
Cambridge International Law Journal 7th Annual Cambridge International Law Conference, ‘Non-State Actors and International Law’.
For more information about the conference, and the Journal, see http://cilj.co.uk/
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